“A seed shall serve Him; It shall be told of the Lord unto the next generation.” Psalm 22:30
My heart rests in the fact that when God looks upon the earth, He sees and knows the places He will bring us to for His glory. There is a divine marking on those locations ahead of time – a seal of His approval and a promise made ever ready. By His own words, He created everything and by His words we walk upon His creation that vibrates inside of His breath, which echoes the beat of His beautiful heart. The Bible tells us that all creation praises His name (Psalm 148:13) and if you listen with your spirit, you’ll hear the most profound worship of your life coming right up out of the ground.
I heard it for the first time a few months ago, as I stood on the farm God gave us and tenderly held a handful of dirt, while my heart nearly exploded in utter gratitude. I can’t begin to describe the fireworks in my spirit as the riches of His inheritance became suddenly tangible and the overflow of Heaven swept me off my feet. I realized in that very moment just how loaded the name of Jesus truly is that even a measure of dirt cannot contain it. Nor could I. Inside of that dirt is a million amens that have been watered with tears and sown with holy expectation. Within every molecule, a promise has been granted and a harvest is forever coming. My prayers came to life in a handful of Georgia dirt.
A few years ago, I began to have dreams about farm animals, space to roam, and a desire for a life I’ve never lived started to grow in my heart. As two people who grew up mostly in suburban America, our hunt for land puzzled our family and perplexed our children. But for the last three years, we’ve ventured out monthly to explore and seek what was burning on the inside of us and slowly our curiosity became contagious in our home.
In April, we spent an afternoon playing beside a waterfall and marveling at how much the kids were naturally settled in the elements of a world they seldom spent much time in. On the drive home, Patrick did a quick search on his phone for land with a creek and found a six acre farm for sale in the next town over. We saw it the next day and fell hard; all of us. But over the course of the next few weeks, it seemed as though it was not going to work out. Not swayed by the heartbreak, but fully alive in faith, we decided to put our house on the market at the end of May and trust God to make a way for this collective dream. Our house was under contract in less than 72 hours with zero marketing. So, we began packing boxes without any indication of where our next address would be, but the joy radiating in that vacant space was at a supernatural level.
One day, I looked up the farm to keep my fantasy alive and not be discouraged by the lack of options on the market, and before I exited the site, I felt the Lord telling me to scroll all the way to the bottom. It was there I saw the name of the friend who sits next to me in Bible college listed as the seller’s agent. Only God. That was when I knew it was somehow all going to work out after all. There are far too many miracles to recount along the way, but to tell the testimony without this part would have been a dishonor. I learned a valuable lesson that sometimes when man is yelling “No!”, God is whispering “Yes!”
So, here we are after the page has been turned by the mighty and precious hand of Jesus. I can feel Him writing His everlasting covenant upon us. I can hear Him building beneath the soil a legacy of untold faith and exceptional miracles to come. I can sense the pulse of who He is as He makes visible His fingerprint on this land and all who dwell in it. I can see Him molding us into a people He can trust as our capacity expands and our thankfulness spills over. I can reach into the future right now and call it to life by way of my testimony and touch the ground where everything He has spoken will someday surely be so. And when the wind blows just right, I can smell the fragrance of glory whirling all around and captivating my heart in worship once more.